Our Clubs


We offer a wide range of activities incorporating cookery, craft, board games, reading, imaginary play, construction, sport and much more. We have a quiet corner and a homework area. During their time at the club children are free to choose activities that suit them best.


Breakfast Club, Horsted Only (7.30am – 8.30am)
Breakfast Club offers a chance for children to have the most important meal of the day in a social and fun environment. They can mingle with their friends and peers, eating and playing before the start of the school day.
In recent studies there is proven evidence that children eating breakfast improves their concentration in class during the school day and schools have noted that attendance can be higher where there is a breakfast club provision for children and parents to use.
On offer every day for breakfast we have 3 different types of cereals and toast with various toppings, including jam and honey. We also give the choice of an additional item such as muffins, waffles, pancakes which are rotated. There are also yoghurts and fruit available as well as water, milk and fruit juices to drink. We are a nut free zone and allergies can be catered for as long as details are given on sign-up and parents are welcome to provide specially adapted meals for us to provide if they wish to.
We ask if possible that children are in club to eat breakfast by 8am to give them chance to eat and for us to pack away before the start of school.
To promote independence, we encourage the children to prepare their own breakfast. They also wash their own plates and cups and clear away after themselves.
We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly setting. We allow children to decide if they want to eat when the breakfast bar is open, but request that food be consumed whilst sitting at the breakfast table.
Once they have eaten children can choose to play with the many toys on offer, go outside to play or partake in an organised group game at the end of the session, all before they go into school full and ready to learn!
At the end of the breakfast session we take the children to their classes.


After School Club, half pm (until 4:30pm)
After School Club, full pm (until 6:00pm)
At After School Club there is a wide range of toys, resources, messy and outdoor play on offer. The Children are encouraged to explore their interests and play with a mixed age range of children to enhance their social skills.
Stay & Play have a lot of resources and we swap the toys on offer every night, the children can also request toys to play with in session. We work with the children when buying resources or planning activities so we can deliver play that suits their interests. For example, every night there is an activity which could be a group game, messy play such as slime, baking/cake decorating, sewing or loom bands.
We try to have a free flow setting for outside play, so the children can choose where they want to be. We have our own outdoor toys and we are allowed to use the school’s outdoor equipment; we have recently purchased swing ball and badminton sets to further enhance our outdoor and indoor play.
We work closely with our host schools – the aim is to provide a smooth transition and good communication between school and club.
Children are collected either from their classrooms or a designated collection point as agreed with the school at the end of the school day. They are then escorted to our after-school club, usually based in the school’s hall (exceptions are parents evenings/school events such as Christmas Plays, where a classroom will be used).
As soon as the children are settled in club, we offer fruit and water. They can choose themselves whether to take some – drinks are readily available at all times while club is in session.
For children staying for our full session we offer a snack which could consist of various things. The options change every day and we put up on our snack boards what the children have been able to choose from each day so you can see/discuss what they have had to eat.
Foods we offer includes but is not limited to; toast, sandwiches, wraps, bagels, crumpets, hot dogs, scrambled eggs, beans, soup, cheese, chicken, ham, houmous, a variety of veggies, a variety of fruits, yoghurts, popcorn, nachos, and the occasional biscuit.
We sometimes run themed weeks for example for Chinese New Year and will then offer relevant foods such as noodles, rice, sweet and sour sauces and lychees to let the children try foods from different cultures.
We are a nut free zone and allergies can be catered for as long as details are given on sign-up and parents are welcome to provide specially adapted meals for us to provide if they wish to. *Just a note that the afternoon snack is not intended to substitute a main evening meal that the child may receive at home, it is just to tide them over until dinner.
We promote independence, by encouraging the children to prepare their own snacks. They also wash their own plates and cups and clear away after themselves.
We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition for children delivered in a calm, friendly setting. Stay & Play follow healthy eating guidelines and try to use salt and sugar reduced foods wherever possible. We allow children to decide if they want to eat when the snack bar is open but request that food be consumed whilst sitting at the snack table.
If you are interested in your child/ren attending After School Club please enquire via the contact us page. We do have an online booking system that you will be required to register with which we can provide details for and the club is a pay in advance setting meaning childcare must be paid for before it is used. Full details will be given on policies and procedures upon registration.


At the moment we run Holiday Clubs during the Easter Half Term and the first 4 weeks of the Summer Holiday Break.
We are open to all children aged 4 – 11 years old, from every school.
Full Day (8:00am – 6:00pm)
School Time Day (9:00am – 3.00pm)
Morning Session (8:00am-1:00pm)
Afternoon Session (1:00pm-6:00pm)
Or if you would like just a few hours childcare you can book by the hour. For up to date prices please check out our facebook page.
Breakfast and afternoon snack are provided by Stay & Play as usual on Holiday Club days (the food available is the same as during term time – please see our breakfast club & after school club page for more details).
A packed lunch & drinks bottle must be provided by parents/carers.
At Stay & Play we work closely alongside the children who attend our club to plan our timetable of events. Each theme is carefully thought out to ensure that there is a variety of different activities on offer to cater for all boys & girls aged 4 – 11 years old.
Please ensure children bring LABELLED appropriate clothing, for example raincoats, sun creams, hats etc and if any of the themes require the children to bring anything else we will let you know beforehand.
If you are interested in your child/ren attending our Holiday Club please enquire via the contact us page. We do have an online booking system that you will be required to register with which we can provide details for and the club is a pay in advance setting meaning childcare must be paid for before it is used. Full details will be given on policies and procedures upon registration.
Please see below for a sample of our holiday club timetable.
Click here to download the sample Holiday club timetable
**Days are subject to change or cancellation if not enough bookings are reached**
Plus, Ofsted have graded us as ‘Good’!